Drain cleaner
"The NASTY details don't
matter, the END result is
the same; 'LOST SOULS',
hollow, skinny, pale,
drawn SHELLS of the
men they ONCE WERE"
I have been on the circuit for going on three years. I lost one friend pretty quickly, and I was in a place not so long ago where I was doing crystal. I realised the life I had worked so hard for was slipping away. I have been blessed with a wonderful family and a great group of supportive friends.
LIFE OR METH was difficult for me to read because in it I saw not myself but two of my friends. It was as if I was reading a detailed account of the last year of their lives, first with one and then the other. They had no sense of reality, only the high. I guess I should have known there was no turning back when they started bending glass tubing to make pipes for "hot rails".
The nasty details don't matter, the end result is the same; lost souls – hollow, skinny, pale, drawn shells of the men they once were. I hope that people really listen to what LIFE OR METH is saying. Not one of us thinks it can happen to us. I tell you it can. I have seen it with my own eyes. A low so much lower than I could have ever imagined.
Thank you for telling the truth and not sugar-coating the dirty facts.
"Gladys" [DallasSirKitBoi@aol.com]
I lived in LA and San Diego, had a great career, a great social life, great boyfriend, great house, etc. Meth tore my life up in a year. I went from snorting it to smoking it to injecting it, and in just a few months went from a 6-figure salary to being homeless with no hope. It seems the people I was mething around with all had similar experiences – your site is right on the money.
A few of us from Southern California have sought refuge in the Midwest. We stay in touch and we support each other in being meth free. We've found we can't go back to Southern California or the Northeast; the addiction is still more powerful than the knowledge of where it leads. We also hate that we know where our friends are at and where they are headed. I have never experienced a person, drug, object, anything as powerful as crystal meth.
I am now in school again – at 32! Some say I am hiding in a classroom, which is true to an extent. I am still not able to function fully in most situations that require interaction with other people. The effects on me have been tremendous. I have been off meth almost two years, but not a day goes by that I don't have the craving for it or something that went along with it.
Thanks for putting it in words. Yours are the first words I've read that really hit the nail on the head.