CAAMA: Community for Action Against Meth Amphetamine, like LIFE OR METH, is a community response to the inertia of funded organisations. It extensively chronicles the spread of meth in Australia and advocates abstinence-based responses.
Crystal Meth Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women across the States, and bases its approach on the '12-step' program to lead the user toward a sober and fulfilling life.
HIV Forum NYC: A group of six men "challenging the culture of disease".
NYCMA: The New York Intergroup of CMA. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using crystal.
Crystal Recovery: Supports recovery for methamphetamine addiction.
Tweaker.org: If you just can't abstain but think you can moderate your intake, then check out this harm reduction site for tips and info.
CMA Washington DC: A chapter of CMA in the District of Columbia, welcomes all seeking recovery from drugs and alcohol.
Stop Drugs: No punches pulled; includes footage of a 13-day binger, tips on how to approach a tweaker, and inside the "kitchens of death" labs.
No Meth: Targets the manufacturers of meth, and the horrific consequences of meth abuse.
The Canyon: A California Drug Rehab Centre specialising in private, dual diagnosis treatment.