Safe Sex City: Where US gay/bisexual men can meet others who enjoy healthy, safe sexual activity.
Manhunt: The hook-up site with a social conscience, providing links to sexual health, STD and meth resources.
Body Electric: Offers 100 classes throughout North America for those who want guidance in reawaking and sustaining the erotic energy in their bodies.
Bareback Jack: Dispenses health and safety information in a non-judgmental manner to men who bareback.
Stop AIDS Project: This San Francisco community-based group won critical acclaim for its graphic "AIDS is not a picnic" campaign, right, which depicted the shocking reality of living with the disease.
Qland: A men's wellness & HIV/STD prevention organisation serving Portland, OR. Offers free HIV/STD/HepC testing, listings of local social AND wellness resources and life-affirming social events.
United Foundation of AIDS: South Florida based non-profit organisation committed to improving the quality of life for persons living with HIV & AIDS.