--> August 2022 - Life OR Meth Intro

10 Steps To Beating Any Addiction (Crystal Meth Or Anything)

help with addiction

In many ways all addictions are the same. It doesn’t matter what it is, kicking it requires the same steps and has the same problems to overcome.



What I’m going to do here is talk you through 10 steps to beating any addiction. It could be crystal meth, but it could be anything.



This obviously isn’t exhaustive. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that once you’ve been through this list you look for help. You may be entitled to free help if you can’t afford it, and any help and support is better than going alone.



I’ll also say it’s a general thing, but exercise is crucial. Exercise and lift your mood, get you fitter and healthier, and removes depression and lowers anxiety. It’s incredible to do. Even if you just go for a walk clean, it can really change things.



If you can get out into the countryside do so. Try and get away from your usual environment and the people. Try and do something energetic every day, get your blood pumping, and focus on incremental fitness.


#1 Admit To Yourself And Others There Was A Problem


You’ll never quit if you don’t admit there’s a problem in the first place. That applies to any issue in life. Once you recognize it, you have to confront it and admit it. That’s half the battle to beating it.



Once you’ve admitted it, once it’s out in the open with you, admit it to other people. You will feel better in doing so. Join a support group about drugs or alcohol as this can also help you to admit the problem and discuss it openly.



This will give you the strength and courage to face addiction. But more than that, once you start that admittance process, it will unlock the underlying reasons for starting this addictive behavior in the first place and allow you to confront those as well.



A lot of drugtaking and alcoholism is about denial. It’s about shutting down your emotions and feelings, both current and past, drowning them and smashing them, so you can feel numb. Admittance and confrontation are the first step away from this.



#2 Reflect On The Type Of Addiction You Have


You should reflect on the addiction you have. Why is it an addiction? Do you have more than one? How bad are they when you are honest with yourself. How much money are they costing, and what is the fallout in your life because of it?


You could reflect simply by staying clean and looking at the state of things. Being honest about finances, personal relationships, your parents, anything and everything.



Also, a great trick is to start a daily journal about how you feel about your life. Write about your honest feelings, the ups and downs.



Also, that will help you to be honest and start to reflect. You will start to spot patterns, triggers, and what is motivating you (other than the addiction itself) to continue.




#3 Seek Professional Help And Support Where Possible


There can be more professional help out there than you realize. If you haven’t got money, and if it’s a serious addiction you probably haven’t, then there are free resources depending on the country you are in.


There are also online resources and people you can turn to. In most cities in developed countries there will be help groups and places you can go.



If you have the money, there are a range of things you can do from day centers to residential ones, through to professional counselling and guidance.



Just because you can’t afford something, don’t panic and think that it means you can’t succeed. There is always a resource out there somewhere that can help you.




#4 Focus On The Benefits Of Being Clean In Your Life


As part of the honesty of change, you should look at the benefits of being clean or sober (or both).



Look at co-occurring problems, such as anxiety and depression. Are they caused by the addiction, or are you using the addiction to manage them?



So the benefits aren’t just being clean. They aren’t just about money. It can be about dealing with a lot of other garbage that is built up.


Look at everything from interpersonal relationships, to the future, money, your goals and desires, literally all of the potential benefits now and in the future, both directly and indirectly.


Doing this can be potent because it can make you realize there’s so much that you could do didn’t have the addiction to fight and cloud everything.

#5 Remove The Situations And People Which Feed Your Addiction


One of the first, and biggest, things you can do to start kicking your habit is to remove yourself from the situations and people which feed the addiction you have.


If it’s alcohol, then obviously the bar visits are the danger, followed by the shop with the cheap alcohol.

Don’t go to the bar. Meet people elsewhere. Don’t go to the shops, get food delivered or get someone to go for you.


Avoid the people who feed the addiction. If it’s a certain friend who you always get smashed with, always take meth with, then tell them that time is up, or the nature of your friendship has to change.


Sometimes you have to remove people from your life to remove the danger from your life, and that means being tough and ruthless when you want to kick the habit.



#6 Identify The Triggers Which Lead To Addictive Behavior


There are often triggers which lead to addictive behavior. Social occasions, certain people, certain moods and feelings.


It could be triggers from your past. Abuse, conditioning, people. It could be how your mind works under stress.


If you sat there and decides you are never going to take meth (or whatever you are addicted to) again, then what changes that? Is it just the sheer desire to take more, or is that desire triggered (or strengthened) by other things?



#7 Analyze Yourself And Be Honest About What Started The Behavior


You’re going to have to be honest if you want to beat this. That means looking at how it started. How it developed, and where you are now.


I’m telling you; you will look at things and realize certain triggers kick this off and when they kick back in you get worse again. You will fall back on drugs for certain reasons, and even certain people. It could be certain emotions, or it could be several things combined.

Every time you come down, analyze what made you go up. Where you were, and the exact reasons why.


Once you understand what is causing it, from the very beginning, to what triggers it most of the time now, you will see the trends that you have to beat.


Once you understand what makes it worse, you can focus on avoiding that, or dealing with that root cause.


#8 Make Active Changes To Your Environment


If you try and quit but don’t change anything else then you will probably fail.


You need to change your routines. Change your habits. Change the people and situations around you as much as possible. Relapse chances are much higher if you stick to the same routines as when you were using.


If this means you have to change where you live, or the people you hang around with, or the places you go, then so be it. If it’s the chance to get clean and be successful, then you have to be strong.


#9 Do Simple Things Every Day To Make Progress And Track It


A great way to keep track is to write a daily diary. I know it sounds cheesy, especially in this day and age of technology, but you can write a private one online if you want.


It allows you to look back and track your progress. See how you felt three months ago, compared to how you feel now. You will be amazed what you forget, and what you put to the back of your mind deliberately.



As well as tracking what you do, try and have a set of rules to live by every day.


In the beginning it could be as simple as eating and drinking every day. Then focusing on eating the right things at the right times to get some routine and regular energy to fight with.



#10 Reward Yourself And Don’t Beat Yourself Up About Relapses


In the beginning, giving up is going to be really tough. You will have relapses and you will have real struggles. At times you will feel in utter despair of ever giving up.



But you can, and with the right attitude and people around you, then you will.



You mustn’t beat yourself up when you do have a relapse. Acknowledge it’s going to happen. Don’t use it as an excuse, if it does happen, don’t go crazy the other side of it trying to overcompensate. Admit the mistake, analyze the reasons why, and go again.



It may be that the relapses are frequent, but over time less and less frequent. That’s another reason to write a daily diary so you can track how things are going.


Top 10 Best Ways To Help Regain Custody After Drug Abuse

best ways to regain custody after drug abuse

Along with the other horrors of trying to get off drugs or alcohol, is the realization that you have lost your children to chase your habit. It may not be your fault, and domestic abuse could be part of the problem that led to drug use.


What I’m going to do here is help you change that with some simple steps you can take. I’m going to talk you through the top 10 best ways to help regain custody after drug abuse. None of them are a magic bullet. But done together, over time, alongside a positive attitude, you can get your life back on track.


I’ve seen people lose everything. I’ve seen them lose houses, and marriages, and I’ve seen their houses be used by cuckoos and ripped to pieces. I’ve seen the children taken away and the pain it brings for everyone, especially them.


But you can get the kids back, and your life back, if you are prepared to totally kick the habit and everything around it, and consistently do the things that will get noticed and help get people on your side.


1. Join And Shout About The Programs You Are On

You must join every single help program that you can. Every support group, every network of people trying to get better. Do everything you can to show that you are actively getting support to improve yourself.


But more than that, you have to shout about it. So tell the relevant people. Keep details, show the courts, show social workers, everyone.


Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help so you can be seen to take it. Ask for help from all of the authorities you deal with, and make lots of enquiries, so that there is a documented trail that you can point to show that you are trying to get better in order to regain custody and build a relationship with your kids.


2. Everything You Do Is Now About Stability And Demonstrating It

The courts, the authorities, child protection, all of them are looking for change and stability. Nobody is going to give you custody back unless you can demonstrate it.


That’s also the case with the other parent if that’s applicable. They are not going to relinquish custody in an unstable situation. They are likely to have issues with you because of what happened, and are going to be very suspicious.


Therefore, everything you do must be about demonstrating and gaining stability. Housing, work, savings, and interpersonal relationships, all of it must be stable and decent.


If you do struggle, and you face a drug test because of it, you could use a detox drink (especially if it’s an observed test), or even synthetic urine, to make sure that you pass and maintain that stability.


If drug testing could be the difference between success and failure, use the options out there. The best ways to get completely clean again is to do a natural detox and to use detox pills to speed that up. But don’t let falling off the wagon once ruin everything.


3. Understand The Actual Situation You Are In (Permanent Or Temporary)?

You’d be amazed how many people are so confused about what’s happened that they don’t actually understand the decisions that were made around the custody.


A lot of people think they have been permanently removed from the custody of their children when in actual fact it’s a temporary order. It can be muddling and confusing, especially when your head is a mess.


The first thing to do is to speak to anyone official you can who knows you and the case. Find out the exact details and paperwork, and make sure you are 100% clear on the status, duration, and conditions around the custody orders in place.


4. Get The Other Parent On Board

This should be obvious, but, if possible, you need to get the other parent on board with helping you to get custody back.


They may be reluctant, but you have to try and build bridges. Even if it’s just a few hours a week, a trial, and a discussion about an end result, you should open the conversation. If they aren’t on board, and they have custody, then there’s no way on earth that they are going to give you anything.


So look at how you can connect with them and get some discussions going on having time with the children so that they can see you are being responsible.

But don’t mention custody in the beginning. Don’t jump the gun and panic them. Just talk about a few hours a week to see your kids and bond with them. You have to take baby steps because everyone is going to be skeptical and suspicious of you.


5. Ditch Your Old Life And The People In It

In order to show everyone around you that you are moving on, you need to ditch your old life completely.


So anyone related to drugs has to go. Friends, acquaintances, even the person next door if they took drugs with you or sold on to you. You have to move; you have to get away from it all.


There are two reasons for this. Firstly, it’s to get rid of temptation. If the people are around you is going to be too easy to get drugs like meth, or whatever, and slip back into the old ways. Plus, those people will try and drag you back in. It’s what they do.


Secondly, you need to be seen to ditch your old life. Nobody is going to give you custody back if you are still hanging around in the same bad places with the same bad people.

So be ruthless. If you took drugs with them, if you think they might lead you back in, if they have access to drugs and could you back into the crystal meth, then ditch them.

say no to drugs

6. Complete All Court Contingencies


Whatever the court contingencies are, you have to abide by them and deal with them.


You have to show that you are willing to change and willing to do everything they tell you in order to stand the best chance of getting your children back.


Make sure you are communicating at all times as well. Both on your progress, and on problems you are facing. Honesty at this time will also really help you if they can see you are desperate to get clean and make a fresh start.


7. Work On Providing A Safe Environment

Whatever your situation you must work on providing a safe environment for children. That means no drug takers, no drugs, and in a place where anyone could see children could be happy.  You may not be able to do that straight away. But with money and support from local authorities, it is possible.


Whatever your situation, wherever you are, work at making it as safe as possible and be seen to be doing it. That’s half the battle, especially in the beginning.


8. Work On Your Strength And Attitude

You won’t do this for yourself or your children unless you get the strength and positive attitude to not take drugs and to be a parent.

As you are kicking your drug habit, or whatever drug or alcohol problem you have, then you need to work on your attitude. It’s going to be tough and you will be in a bad place at times. But the kids and social workers mustn’t see that.


So work on your personal strength in your attitude. Be strong and positive, look forward, and show people you are doing that. Use apps, courses, coaches, whatever you can to develop positive mental attitude and personal strength.


If you really are struggling, an alternative to heavy drugs like meth is kratom. Good quality red kratom will really chill you out and calm you down, and give you some relaxing and peace. White kratom will slightly energize you and chill you out as well. Small doses can perk you up and give you some positivity while minimizing anxiety.


9. Provide Money And A Home (And Shout About It)

You may not be able to do it, but work towards getting money in the home. Talk to the local authorities, whoever you can, to try and get some proper accommodation.

Try and work in conjunction with everyone to get somewhere where you can feel safe in progress, and your children can spend an increasing amount of time and safety as well.


Work hard at your job, save money, provide what you can, and make the best of the environment you have. These seem to be doing that as well, because they need to see you are making progress and are trying so hard to get somewhere that your children could potentially live, even if only part-time.


10. Strengthen The Bond With Your Children (Where You Can)

Finally, nothing is going to work if the kids don’t want you. You may have burned some bridges with your habit. They may be scared of you, they may not even particularly like you if you destroyed the other parent and their lives.

So do things a bit at a time. Just a few hours per week of positive bonding and doing something nice can really help. It can also show that you are determined to be clean and are trying to do the right thing.


Even if it has to be supervised, don’t get depressed. Be positive that you are still in a situation where you have a chance.

You’ll want to try and build bridges with the other parent/carer as well, so they will give you the time and the chance to strengthen the bond with your children so that they start to indirectly pressure everyone around them to give you a chance and let them spend time with you.

How Can You Tell When It’s Finally Time To Admit You Are Addicted?

drug addiction

Denying addiction is part of the problem. Eventually, you are so far down the rabbit hole that it’s too late. So how can you spot the signs before you get so far down the rabbit hole that it’s impossible to climb back up again?

In this quick piece, I’m going to give you 10 ways you can spot if you are addicted to anything, and that it’s getting more chronic.

It’s obviously not scientific, but it’s based on my experience. You’ll need honesty, and you’ll have to monitor your doses, frequency of doses, and how you feel on the other side over several weeks to see if things are just getting worse.


1. You keep pretending you still have a health problem when you don’t


Getting addicted to prescription meds can be a real problem. People won’t admit it, and can even convince their doctor they are still unwell in order to keep getting the drugs. They can even convince themselves they are still in need of them when they are not.

If your doctor is telling you that you are getting better, and your body/mind is telling you are getting better, yet you still keep telling yourself you are not, then it could be related to addiction. Of course, you might still be unwell, but take a step back and look if there is a possibility that you just keep wanting the drugs.


2. You need more and more to get the same feelings you use to


Whatever you are into that first time can often be the best. The times after that are great as well. If you are a few weeks or months down the line and you are taking significantly more than you were to chase the same high, and you simply aren’t getting the same feelings, then you could be building up a tolerance.

Tolerance is where you need more and more of a substance to get the same hit. It’s a mix of your body getting used to the drug you are taking, and also it’s the dopamine spike diminishing as your body cuts back on its production.

If you feel this is happening to you, then you really need to address the problem because building tolerance means that your habit could be spiraling out of control.

3. You feel worse and worse whenever you are on the comedown


Initially, things will be too bad on the other side of the experience. But the more you do it, the worse it gets.

You’ll feel stranger every single time you come down. Worse sweats, worse headaches, tired, with a lack of hunger. You can be confused, shivering when you are sweating, and unable to regulate your body temperature.

Whatever the symptoms on the comedown, if they are getting worse (keeping a diary is good at this point or filming yourself and talking about it), then it’s a sign that you are taking bigger doses more frequently, and your body is struggling more.


4. You can’t stop thinking about the drug


You find yourself spending more and more time thinking about the drug you are getting addicted to. Thoughts will start to intrude into every part of your life. You’ll think about how it feels, and how you can get more. When can you get the time to enjoy it soon?

You’ll also consider how much you can buy, and when. You will think about your finances and how much you can spare, and then a little more.

You will also spend more time thinking about how bad it is and how you feel afterward. Deep down you know it’s becoming a problem, and you can’t stop thinking about the good and the bad.


5. You keep smashing your self-imposed limits


If you find you are taking more and more drugs when you said you wouldn’t. That’s a big warning sign.

Also, he said you would only take them every now and again just to feel good and have fun, but now it’s happening more frequently. What started off as a rare treat has crept into more and more frequent use.

It could also be monetary limits getting smashed. You could have set an amount in mind you can spend each week or month, and that’s now been ignored as well. Lack of money is a huge sign of dependence building.


6. You’ve lost interest in the things you like to do


You will find you start to lose interest in things you used to enjoy doing, and also the people that you used to hang around with, who weren’t into drugs.

Everything will now be about the drugs and the people you take them with, or the people you hang around with in this situation is where you take end up taking them.

Your passion for everything normal in your life will diminish in importance. Sports, friends, children, partners, hobbies, parents, it will all start to seem less important and fade into the background and be replaced by a focus on drugs.


7. Completing daily tasks and responsibilities are getting tougher


Maybe you’ve started to find it harder to go to work or focus while you are there. It’s very common that work just becomes something in your mind that blocks you from getting close to drugs as quickly as possible.

You may find that you literally drift through your days without really achieving anything, maybe starting to pick up warnings at work as well.

Outside of work, the family could become less important to you. People could pick up on that and there could be more arguments and more accusations.

You may find that stuff like the washing and household chores are mounting up. You are always struggling for plates and cups because they are always laying around and washed. Basically, your domestic situation is beginning to be hand-to-mouth and deteriorating.

8. You start taking risks while under the influence of drugs or alcohol


Whether it’s one drug, alcohol, many drugs, or a combination, you will find more and more at times that you are taking risks while using them.

It could mean you are driving under the influence for example. Or you could be looking after children, or going to work. Basically, the boundaries between right and wrong, good and bad, and different parts of your life are blurring due to your desire to take what you need. Not to mention you can lose your job due to drug testing at work (to learn how to pass a urine test, click here).

Those risks can also extend your relationship. Risky behavior with other people, such as unprotected sex behind your partner’s back. Behaviors which are just not you, but are obviously risky to your happiness.

9. You start to lose control of your finances


You will start to fall behind on your bills. This will happen more and more frequently as you are buying drugs rather than paying the bills. A key symptom of drug use is struggling financially.

Drugs will be more important than food and clothing as well. This can be for you and other members of your family. Making it the spiraling problem that affects everyone around you.

You could also end up borrowing money from people and not paying them back. Deep down you may know that you never will, even if you try and convince yourself that you will. You may feel you have no pride left.

When you are in deep you will shamelessly come back to those people to beg for more money, lying through your teeth with any reason you can come up with to try and get as much out of them as possible, even if they are in need of the money themselves. Your scruples and morals will be going completely out of the window.

You could even start stealing money. Or stealing things to sell to get money for drugs. At the very least you could start selling your possessions to get money for drugs.


10. People will say you have changed


If you have any sort of normal lifestyle and aren’t just surrounded by people in the drugs scene, then people start to notice the changes in you.

The subversion, and anger, your actions, the selfishness, they will notice and comment. Your response will be anger and denial, and in your head you will tell yourself that they are the problem and not you.

You will start to shun the people who challenge you about the changes to surround yourself with people who instead enable the drugtaking.

Deep down you will know that you are changing. You are living more and more for the drugs. But not just for the drugs, but you are starting to submerge yourself in the culture and the people as well. You will find that you are living more for drugs and the people who take them, and supply them, than for the people you care for.

When that happens alongside ruthless use of money that is needed elsewhere, then you will undeniably know that you have significant drug addiction that is going to completely sink you unless you stop and change direction.

Best Synthetic Urine Reviewed: How To Use Fake Pee For A Drug Test

urine testing

The best synthetic urine will pass any level of drug test, but how do you know what level of test it will be and what the best brand is? I will tell you everything you need to know to do that.

This is a complete guide on passing a drug test using fake urine. As well as full synthetic urine reviews & instructions, I will cover everything you need to know to pass a urine drug test.

You’ll learn exactly how drug testing works, and what they look for. You will understand how fake urine can evade this if it’s of the correct construction and submitted properly. I will tell you exactly how to use synthetic urine, including my top tips from having passed a drug test using fake pee twice.

As well as all that, I will tell you about the brands to avoid, and conclude this review with the top FAQs on using fake pee for drug test success.


What Fake Urine Is & How It Needs To Be Constructed To Pass A Drug Test


Human urine is quite complex, containing literally dozens of different things. That’s the bad news.

But the good news is that drug tests don’t look for all of those things for a valid sample. They actually only look for a few things during validity checks. As long as you pass that initial check, then the sample will be tested and pass.

I will cover this in detail in a moment, but as long as it passes the initial validity check, there will be no further scrutiny. When it’s actually tested for the presence of drugs, that’s all they do, there is no next level scrutiny at that point.

The only time it gets more fully scrutinized is if they are suspicious. Then it will go through a full mass spectrometry – gas chromatography analysis. But that doesn’t usually happen.

So the great news is that as long as the fake urine kit has fake urine in it that passes the initial validity checks and doesn’t arouse suspicion, then you are good to go. It doesn’t need to fully reconstruct human urine in every detail.


The Different Types Of Fake Urine Kit You Can Choose From


To pass a drug test, a fake urine kit must have the following characteristics:

  • Balanced for ph.
  • Balanced for specific gravity
  • Looks like urine
  • Contains the right amount of creatinine
  • Contain urea and uric acid
  • May contain some inorganic salts

At a minimum, it must be balanced for pH and specific gravity, look like urine and contain the right levels of creatinine. It’s actually a common misconception that a fake sample must contain your urea and uric acid to pass a drug test. In fact, these are not checked for during basic validity tests.

However, urea and uric acid may be checked if it goes under more rigorous scrutiny, which is why the best brands contain those both within the right balances as well.

There are three levels of fake urine you can use:

  1. At the lowest level, you get fetish urine and animal repellent urine products. These do the bare minimum, and will not stand up to the scrutiny of most modern drug testing.
  2. The middle ground is basic brands that contain just the minimum chemical components to pass basic scrutiny.
  3. The best synthetic urine products closely mimic human urine in composition for all the most common things found in it.

Can’t I Just Use Someone Else’s Urine?


You certainly can use someone else’s urine, and you may just get away with it. But you are taking one hell of a risk to save yourself less than $100.

For a start, if your urine isn’t clean, then how do you know that the urine of the person you are using is clean? Are they telling you the truth? How do you know it’s been long enough since they took something to be clean?

You also have to store it. That means keeping it for just a few hours, because any longer and it starts to spoil. You also have to still keep it within the correct temperature range; which means buying a heating pad that is capable of keeping the sample at between 90°F and 100°F for one hour or longer.

Why bother when there are so many good products out there you can use that will dramatically lower your risk?

labcorp drug test result


When Is Fake Urine Not The Best Option?


Fake urine is not the best option if you are facing a supervised drug test.  There are actually two types of drug test you could face where it’s not the best option.

The first is the supervised drug test. That’s where somebody will be in the room with you. They may not actually be looking straight at you, but the presence of the person in the room will make it incredibly difficult to deal with a fake sample unless you submit it through a fake penis or tube and tap arrangement so you can stand in a natural position and dispense it (really tough to do!).

The second is the observed drug test. Usually, this is only done for law enforcement purposes. However, if you have failed a previous drug test due to suspected evasion, then you can then face a directly observed test, where they will literally watch you urinate into the cup.

Yes, it’s legal, but you can refuse it. Obviously, though you won’t get the job or keep your freedom.

In these situations, you should use a natural detox and then mask any toxins left on the day of your test with a good quality detox drink like Rescue Cleanse.


Will Fake Pee Pass Specific Tests From LabCorp Or Quest Diagnostics?


Let’s talk about how fake urine samples are spotted at the professional labs in the USA right now.

When you submit the sample, they will visually scrutinize it. In many cases, the sample just won’t look right if it’s been adulterated, or is a poor fake. The next thing they do is to use a dipstick. This dipstick usually has 5 little panels on it. They dip it in the sample, and then they wait for it to react and compare it to a chart.

These are the things that that validity testing dipstick checks for:

  • Nitrate levels
  • Creatinine levels
  • Specific gravity
  • Ph level
  • Oxidant/PCC presence

High levels of nitrates usually indicate an adulterated specimen. That means something containing nitrates has been used to oxidize the drug metabolites (which works very well with cannabis metabolites).

Creatinine is the byproduct of creatine, which is always found in urine. It’s created by the muscles working in the body (creatine is needed for muscle use). Low levels of creatinine usually demonstrate a diluted sample through the excessive liquid intake.

Specific gravity and pH levels that are compromised (outside human ranges) usually mean the sample has been changed through the excessive liquid intake.

Oxidant/PCC presence checks for substances that can oxidize drug metabolites and alter their structure: bleach, iodine, peroxide, and a couple of others.

Looking at the above, yes, as long as it’s high-quality fake urine then it will pass all of those tests because the products are specifically designed to ensure that they do.

lab testing facility


Synthetic Urine Brands To Avoid  Like The Plague


Not all fake urine kits are good value for money, nor do they contain ingredients needed to pass a drug test.

You have to remember that some of them have been around for years, and although they might have high ratings, most of those high ratings and good reviews were actually given several years ago when drug testing wasn’t as advanced.

These are the brands that are not recommended to use:

  • U Pass
  • Xtream
  • Agent X
  • Magnum
  • Ultra Pure

Just to give you an idea of how inadequate these brands are, and how much of it is just about marketing and fake reviews, let’s talk about Magnum fake urine.

Magnum fake urine didn’t even contain uric acid. Because it was failing drug tests and virtually worthless, they started to include a separate vial of uric acid with the product. The idea being that you simply pour it into the urine.

That’s obviously a ridiculous solution. They didn’t change the formula, and they are relying on you to make sure that the job is done right.

None of those brands contain everything I mentioned earlier. They don’t have the correct balance, and creatinine levels, nor do they contain urea and uric acid in the correct balances either.


The Biocide Problem


About four years ago some brands of fake urine started to consistently fail drug tests. Previous passers were suddenly failing and talking about it loudly online. People began to suspect that the big labs had spotted a common “footprint” that they were looking for to rule out samples.

Many suspected it was biocides; common preservatives used in many products from household ones, through to make up. It extends the shelf life of the product.

It started to dawn on people that nearly every single brand was using biocide preservatives. Those were the exact brands that were failing.

However, the four brands that I recommend, and which I’m going to talk to you about right now, are guaranteed not to contain biocide preservatives. Each company has stated explicitly that they do not and these are also the brands that are still consistently passing.


Synthetic Urine Reviews: The Top 3 Brands


So let’s now talk you through the top four Best synthetic urine products out there. These are the best fake pee products you can use for a drug test.

1. Quick Luck – The Best Synthetic Urine On The Market

Quick Luck has to be my number one choice because it’s the most advanced and ready-to-use formula on the market today.

It’s the big brother of Sub Solution. Slightly more complex in the formula, and premixed rather than a powder. But other than that, it’s pretty much the same other than the convenience of being premixed.

Quick Luck has the following characteristics which make it perfect for passing a drug test:

  • Perfectly balanced for pH and specific gravity
  • Looks, smells, and froths like urine
  • Contains urea and uric acid
  • Contains the right amount of creatinine
  • Contains a total of 14 chemicals found in urine

Quick Luck is really easy to use. The Quick Luck instructions are very straightforward:

  1. Because it’s premixed you don’t even need to mix it up like you do with Sub Solution. Just gently shake the bottle and take the lid off.
  2. Just before you need to use it, tap in about one third of the heat activator powder. You don’t even have to do this at home, you only need to do this just outside the building where you are going to submit your sample. Gently shake it, and it will dissolve and raise the temperature.
  3. Keep checking the temperature strip, and tap in a little more heat activator powder if needed. Within about two minutes it should be stable at between 90°F and 100°F.
  4. Just make sure you submit your sample within about 15 minutes to ensure that it’s within the correct temperature range. Tuck the sample into your underwear, close to your skin, to keep the temperature elevated in close to the level it should be.

Quick Luck is perfect. Also, because it’s going to be an unsupervised drug test, you can check the temperature strip literally before you pour it into the submission cup. If it has cooled you can simply tap in a bit more heat activator powder.

Quick Luck is not cheap, costing $100. As you can see though, it’s complex in formula and has exact control over the temperature so that you never have to worry about failing.


2. Sub Solution Powdered Urine Kit


Sub Solution is the next best thing to Quick Luck. Almost it’s equal in terms of formula complexity (both are updated annually), the only thing that really separates them is the fact that you need to mix Sub Solution up to use it because it arrives as a powder.

It’s just as complex and almost as easy to use as Quick Luck. It costs $85, so $15 less. You’re basically paying the extra $15 for Quick Luck to get it premixed.

Here are the steps you need to use Sub Solution:

  1. The first and most important step is to mix it up. Don’t just use tap water, because it can contain things not found in urine. Also, do not use bottled water as this will contain unnatural levels of nitrates, minerals, and electrolytes. You need filtered water.
  2. Fill the bottle of powder to the fill level with the water. Gently agitate it until it’s dissolved and clear.
  3. Then, it’s simply a case of transporting it to the place you’re having your drug test. On arrival, just before you go in, use that incredible heat activator powder to increase the temperature of the sample.

One thing I will tell you is that you can buy something from Test Clear called the “practice kit”. It contains the heat activator powder and the plastic bottle. You’re basically paying for a dose of the heat activator powder.

But what it allows you to do for a far cheaper price (half the price of the urine kits), is the chance to experiment with the heat activator powder.

So when you buy Quick Luck or Sub Solution, make sure you buy the practice kit. Then you can become expert in using heat activator powder, to see how quickly it works and how far/fast it raises the temperature without being under pressure.

best synthetic urine brands


3. Quick Fix


If you are on a budget, then Quick Fix is plenty good enough to pass a basic pre-employment five panel drug test. As long as no further scrutiny is undertaken beyond the initial dipstick validity checks I mentioned earlier, then it will be sent for the standard analysis.

Unlike Quick Luck and Sub Solution it won’t stand the scrutiny of an advanced mass spectrometry – gas chromatography analysis though.

The instructions for using Quick Fix are:

  1. This is premixed urine, so simply shake it gently to ensure it’s well mixed, and then loosen the lid.
  2. Put the bottle into a microwave and microwave it on full heat for about 15 seconds. Take it out and shake it gently, then put it back in the microwave for another 15 seconds.
  3. Take it out and check the temperature strip. If after 30 seconds or so nothing is registering, then put it back into the microwave for another 15 seconds.
  4. After about 45-60 seconds of microwaving it should register on the temperature strip as having a temperature between 90°F and 100°F.
  5. It’s best to actually activate the heatpad prior to microwaving the sample. That way, it’s warm already so that you don’t lose any heat from the sample.
  6. Whether it’s preactivated or not, attach the heatpad to the sample using the supplied elastic band, or as I prefer, with some tape for a better and more secure connection.
  7. Just before you go into submit your sample, you’ll need to check the temperature strip. If the heatpad has failed in some way then you’ll need to heat it up to the within the correct temperature range. As it doesn’t contain heat activator powder, you’ll need to carry a flask of hot water with you and pour it over the sample until it gets to within the correct temperature range.

As you can see, Quick Fix is not as effective or complex as the best to choices. However, as it only costs half as much as Sub Solution, it is a good budget deal if you don’t mind the extra messing around and slightly increased risk of failure.


4. Test Clear Powdered Urine


My fourth choice on a list of the best synthetic urine kits you can use to pass a drug test is the powdered urine from Test Clear. It claims to be real powdered urine. Basically, human urine that’s dried out into a powder that you then regenerate using filtered water.

The instructions for using test clear powdered urine are as follows:

  1. Mix filtered water into the vial to create 50 mL of ready-to-use urine.
  2. Activate the heatpad and strap it to the side of the bottle. Alternatively, you can use a microwave oven to speed up that process. If you don’t, it will take around 45 minutes for the heatpad to work through.
  3. If you use the microwave (recommended), then just as with the Quick Fix instructions I gave you earlier, you will incrementally microwave for 15 seconds or so, gently shake, and then check the temperature strip regularly to watch the temperature rise.
  4. Once it’s within the correct temperature range, and the heatpad is attached, you can go off to submit your sample.
  5. As with Quick Fix, check the temperature just before you go in. If it has cooled then you will need to use a flask of hot water (not boiling water) in order to raise the temperature so that you can submit it within the correct temperature range.

synthetic urine for drug test


My Top Tips For Using Fake Urine To Pass A Drug Test


Let’s finish up my best synthetic urine review by giving you a few top tips on increasing your chances of passing.

  1. Make sure you have the temperature covered. If it’s a heatpad, make sure you take some hot water. If using heat activator powder, none of this is relevant. You can stabilize the temperature more if using a heatpad by tucking the sample into your underpants against your skin. That will get the sample closer to body temperature and keep it there.
  1. You won’t be searched, or at least not body searched. So always put the sample in an intimate area so that it won’t be patted down.
  2. Make sure that you wear loose clothing so that the presence of the fake sample will not be spotted at all.

Synthetic Urine FAQs


I want to finish my ultimate synthetic urine review/guide by answering the most common synthetic urine FAQs.

How Much Urine Is Needed For A Drug Test?

A standard drug test requires a 30 mL sample (just over one fluid ounce). However, Department of Transport tests require 45 mL (1.52 fluid ounces). Also, some drug testing labs also ask for a larger than standard sample size to try and catch people out. You should try to smuggle in at least 2 fluid ounces of fake urine.

How To Force Yourself To Pee For A Drug Test?

The only way to force yourself to pee for a drug test is to drink liquid. But drink too much and your sample will be diluted and will be rejected.

Can I Use Synthetic Urine On Military Drug Test?

Submitting synthetic urine for military drug test is no different to any other type of standard drug test. If the complexity of the fake pee is enough then it will pass. The only difference is if you are facing a supervised test, where you cannot physically submit a fake sample.

Will Fake Urine Work For Probation Drug Screening?

Fake urine probably won’t work for probation screening. That’s not because of the drug test itself, it’s that most probation drug tests are either directly, or indirectly, observed. That means someone will be in the room with you, which makes using fake urine very difficult.

What If The Test Is Supposed To Be Unsupervised But Is Actually Supervised?

A drug test will usually only be supervised if it’s for law enforcement or probation purposes, or you have previously failed the test (or there was suspicion about the previous test) and are going back for retesting. You should know in advance of the test.

How Long Does It Take To Get Drug Test Results?

Drug test results are usually back within 24 hours. The person who commissioned the test is usually notified within 48 hours of the sample being submitted. If you haven’t heard after 48 hours it’s not a problem, but after three days then it usually points to a higher level of scrutiny on the test, or it’s failed and you just haven’t been told yet.

Where To Buy Synthetic Urine?

Never buy synthetic urine from smoke shops or other local retail premises. Online, never buy fake urine from general retail sites or marketplace sites like Amazon and eBay. Only use reputable and specialist online sellers like Test Clear and Test Negative.

How Long Does Pee Stay Good For A Drug Test?

Real human urine (assuming you’ve collected a sample from a friend) will not last long at room temperature, literally three or four hours. In a refrigerator, it could be up today, but even then, there will be signs of clouding show the sample isn’t fresh.

Can I Refuse A Drug Test At Work?

You can refuse a drug test at work, but you will then be in contravention of the company’s drug testing policy which you agreed to when you signed your contract. Also, they will evidently be suspicious as to why you have refused the drug test and will probably insist you have another type, or suspend you.

How To Dispute A Positive Drug Test

You will only be able to dispute a positive drug test if you can explain why it’s failed. Some substances do kick up false positives, but that is not very common nowadays with modern drug testing. To dispute the test you will simply discuss it with the drug testing lab to see what the process is.

Does Quest Diagnostics Test For Synthetic Urine?

Companies like Quest diagnostics don’t test directly for synthetic urine. They do general validity checks to see if it has the characteristics of human urine generally. So they will check the temperature, pH, specific gravity, how it looks, even how it smells (the sniff test). They will also check for levels of creatinine and some other substances which are found in urine.

Can I Make Fake Urine At Home?

You certainly can make fake urine at home. But you will need several specialist ingredients and the tools and ability to mix them up so that the sample is exactly mimicking human urine. This is not easy to achieve, and for all the money, time, and risk you are taking, it simply easier to buy a box of high-quality synthetic urine from an expert company instead.

How Long The Synthetic Urine Last?

If kept sealed, powder or liquid synthetic urine should last years, but you should probably change it for a fresh batch each year. Once open, you really only have a few hours before it starts to spoil. Even in the refrigerator, 24 hours will be the maximum.

Which States Is Synthetic Urine Illegal In?

Synthetic urine is illegal in every single state in the USA. Although not directly, it is illegal to deliberately seek to evade a legally administered drug test in every US state, therefore by default, synthetic urine is not legal anywhere, as it is sold to evade just that.

How To Keep Urine Warm (Correct Temperature Range)?

When submitted, human urine has to be between 90°F and 100°F. Human urine actually exits the body at around 98°F, and occasionally 100°F as a ceiling. But to allow for two minutes of cooling, any sample within that 10° temperature range has to be accepted.

How Long Does Synthetic Urine Last Once Heated?

Once heated to the correct temperature range, how long it lasts depends on how is it stored. Use a heatpad, or the activator powder, for several hours. However, if it’s just sitting there, it could be outside the temperature range again within 10 minutes. It needs to be close to the body, and not somewhere cold.