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How To Get Meth Out Of Your System Fast: Complete Guide & Best Three Methods

how to get meth out of your system fast

You’re here because you want to get meth out of your system fast. There’s some bad news and some good news on that.

The bad news is that meth can hang around in your system for quite a while, depending on how often you take it and at what doses.

The good news is that there are three good methods that can help you to pass a drug test for meth. I’m going to talk you through everything you need to know. The types of drug tests, how long meth stays in your system, and how it differs from other types of drugs.

Plus, crucially, I’ll talk you through the three methods you can use to pass a drug test with meth in your body.

What Type Of Drug Test Are You Facing?

You could be facing a hair drug test, urine drug test, saliva drug test, or even a blood drug test. Although, a drug blood test is incredibly unlikely unless you are in real trouble.

Most likely, it’s a urine or saliva drug test, as these are the most common types.

Whatever type it is, it will be a panel drug test. The most basic is four panels, which exclude marijuana. Five-panel standard testing includes marijuana, then it works its way up to 12 panels as the maximum number of standard panels.

Each is more expensive and looks for more substances. You can’t predict what they will look for if you are up for a drug test of any type.

You see, the thing is, whoever is commissioning the test and swapping out any panels they want. So there’s no point in trying to predict if you could get caught, you just have to know how to appear clean (or actually get clean) for the type of test you are facing.

Is Methamphetamine Any Different To Other Types Of Drugs For Detection?

A meth drug test is no different to any other type of drug test. They are panel tests that look for multiple types of drugs, and methamphetamines are almost always on every single panel test, even the four panel one.

What matters is how long it stays in your system. Usually, if you are a light user, a couple of times a week, then it will be detectable up to about five days in urine, and usually three days in saliva.

In hair, every single type of drug is detectable for 90 days. It stays indelibly inside the hair shaft, and they test the most recent 90 days growth.

So in practical terms, methamphetamines are no different to any type of illegal drug. If the panel looks for it, and it’s in your body, or in your hair, it will be found.

How To Detox From Meth At Home

Although meth usually disappears in about 4 – 5 days, it can stay longer if any of the following apply:

  • You are older with a slower metabolism
  • You are obese
  • You don’t exercise
  • Your diet is poor
  • Doses are high and frequent
  • Your general state of health
  • If there are other substances you are taking

Don’t believe any of the nonsense about home remedies and drug tests. You can’t get meth out of your system at all, let alone fast, using a home remedy or a natural detox alone (in any reasonable time).

The only way you can learn how to detox meth at home is to do a full natural detox and accelerate that process with pills. I will cover that in a moment.

how to pass a drug test for meth

The Most Effective Ways To Pass A Drug Test For Meth

If you’ve got meth in your system, then depending on the type of test, there are ways to get clean fast. So let’s now talk you through the strategies you have and the drug test types that you can use them for.

#1 Synthetic Urine (Best Method)

If facing a urine drug test, then synthetic urine is the best way to pass. Not cheap crap, and not your pal’s urine either. High quality fake urine that closely mimics real human urine and that won’t be detected in a standard drug test.

The best source of fake urine is from Test Negative. They make the two best brands.

Sub Solution is the most affordable at $85. It closely mimics human urine both in the way it looks, smells, and froths. Plus, it contains 14 chemicals found in urine that are looked for in all but the most advanced drug test.

Trade up to Quick Luck for $100 if you want basically Sub Solution premixed, with a little bit more complexity.

Either of these is easy to prepare because of the heat activator powder. You don’t need a heatpad, which can go wrong.

Just before you go into your drug test, tap in about half of the powder and agitate it gently. It will dissolve and be undetectable and will raise the temperature of the liquid. Keep adding in a bit of the powder until it gets within the correct temperature range (between 90°F and 100°F).

If it’s an unsupervised drug test then this is the 100% best way to pass a urine drug test for meth.

#2 Detox + Detox Pills (Genuinely Clean)

The best way to get genuinely clean is to do a natural detox. That way you will pass urine, blood, and saliva drug testing easily. However, that can take weeks if you are a heavy user because of the speed at which toxins can work their way out of the body.

You’ll need to do a natural detox:

  • Eat clean food
  • Eat small and frequent meals
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Abstain from drugs and alcohol
  • Exercise and sweat every day

However, you can speed up the removal of toxins from your body by about 50% by using Toxin Rid detox pills. The only pills available which really do the job.

If you’re a really heavy user, then the 7 or 10 day courses are recommended. Moderate users should try the 5 day course, and light users the three-day course.

I wouldn’t recommend the one or two day courses (and even three-day courses) unless you are going to also buy a high-quality detox drink to mask any remaining toxins on the day of your test.

But usually, in 10 days, you can get completely clean from any level of drug use using Toxin Rid alongside a natural detox. Just make sure you have a couple of home drug tests and the detox drink hand on the table test to check you are clean and have a plan B if you still have loose metabolites in your urine.

#3 Detox Drink (Masks The Toxins For A Few Hours)

Detox drinks are a great way of passing a urine drug test. However, you have to understand they only mask the toxins for a few hours.

Here’s what a detox drink actually does:

  • Flushes out the toxins using the volume of liquid and the power of the ingredients
  • Floods the body with chemicals found in urine so some pass through in balance
  • Keeps your urine balanced, looking and smelling normal

But here’s the thing, they only mask the toxins for a few hours before the drug metabolites still in your body start to work their way through into your bladder again.

A good quality detox drink like Rescue Cleanse or Mega Clean will work a treat to mask the meth in your body for up to 5 hours though.

My top tip for making sure they work for that long is to get your hands on some Toxin Rid pills from Test Clear at the same time. The one day course alongside these, will at least maximize your chances.

If it’s a supervised test, or you don’t want to smuggle in urine, then only detox drinks to mask the toxins, or Toxin Rid and a natural detox will work.

#4 Macujo Method (Meth Hair Drug Test)

If it’s a hair drug test then you are in real trouble because drug metabolites stay in your hair for the length the hair is on your head. So this isn’t about learning how to get meth out of your system fast, it’s about learning how to get it out of your hair fast.

The only way to do this is the Macujo method. I can’t go into details here, but you can read about it here.

It basically uses Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo and some household ingredients to open up the hard cuticle layer of each hair shaft and flush out the toxins. But it is a great way of passing a hair drug test for any type of drug.

Where To Buy The Products To Pass A Drug Test For Meth

As I’ve already mentioned, you are looking to buy these from Test Clear and Test Negative. Rescue Cleanse and Mega Clean, along with the pre-rid pills bundled with Mega Clean, come from test clear.

Test Negative sell both Quick Luck and Sub Solution, as well as Rescue Cleanse (probably the best detox drink on the market).